Supervisor Debbie Arnold

Supervisor Arnold moved to San Luis Obispo in 1973 to attend California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). She is married to husband, Steve. While raising her children, she owned and operated Small Wonders Preschool in Atascadero. She worked as a Legislative Aide at the County Supervisor’s office and as a San Luis Obispo District Representative for the State Senate. She now serves as 5th District Supervisor of San Luis Obispo County.

Here is a list of boards/committees Supervisor Arnold has sat on or currently serves: San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/Regional Transit Authority (2013 to present, President 2015), Local Agency Formation Commission, SLO (2018-present), Community Action Partnership San Luis Obispo (2013-present), SLO County Behavioral Health Advisory Board (2018), Homeless Services Oversight Committee (Chair, 2013-2017),  FireSafe Council (current Chair since 2017), Air Pollution Control District (Chair 2017), LINK Family Resource Center, Student Community Liaison Committee (2013 to present), Integrated Waste Management Authority (2013 to present), Assistance League Advisory Board (2017? - present), Atascadero Basin GSA (Chair), Paso Robles Basin GSA (Alternate), Cuyama Basin GSA (Alternate), San Luis Obispo Co. Flood Control & Water Conservation District (2013 to present), Latino Outreach Council (Secretary 2013-2016), Adult Services Policy Council (2018), RCRC (2018 alternate), CSAC (2017-2018 alternate), CenCal Board of Directors (2019)


Dr. Edward S. Bentley